Thursday, March 31, 2016

Seated Dumbbell Biceps Curl Protocol

Watch video on YouTube here: Seated Dumbbell Biceps Curl Protocol

Seated Dumbbell Curl Protocol: 1. Sit on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand being positioned at arm's length. Your arms needs to be by your side with each dumbbell by each hip to start your curls.

2. Rotate the palms of the hands so that they're facing your hips. This will be your beginning position.

3. Begin to curl the weights and begin twisting the wrists once the dumbbells pass your thighs in order that the palms of your hands face forward at the tip of the movement. Keeping your back straight continue bringing each dumbbell up towards your shoulder until you reach shoulder level.

Pause one second and hold it, then release each dumbbell down slowly with resistance to a count of 4 until they are at the beginning positions.

4. Repeat process for the desired repetitions. Repetitions of 10 or more will work your fast twitch muscles and repetitions of 6-9 reps will work your slow twitch muscles.

Adjust your dumbbell weight accordingly. Variations: You can perform these dumbbell curls in either a seated or standing position.

Adding a further variation, while seated, you may work with an incline leaning back on the seated bench so you can hit different angles of your bicep muscles.


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