The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Colon Function In Digestive System Let’s review the colon function in our digestive system The large intestine or colon performs the end stages of digestion. What this means is the colon function in the digestive system is responsible for elimination. It ushers waste out of the human body via the colon. There are two types of intestines. The small and large intestines. The stomach connects to the small intestines. The mid part of the digestion process happens in the small intestines before it enters the large intestine or our colon. One of the key functions of the large intestines is for the water to be reabsorbed. This process takes 6 hours for the gastric juices and partly digested food to travel from the small intestines to the colon. What should happen with a properly functioning colon is 6 to 7 hours after eating, you should eliminate all that had eaten earlier. Unfortunately, for most of us, this doesn’t happen. What does happen is people accumulate feces which allows it to putrefy and ferment. The poisons and toxins produced as a result of this then get absorbed into the liver and now hepatotoxicity and autotoxicity exists. Before healing can occur all poisons and toxins must be eliminated. Everything we consume ends up going to the liver. The accumulation of waste that stays in the colon will be recycled to the liver. If the colon isn’t kept clean, the liver ends up working overtime all the time and this isn’t healthy. If someone is only going to the bathroom once a day that is not enough. The colon is big and eliminating only once per day equates to waste accumulation. At An Oasis of Healing, we use colon hydrotherapy as a foundational part of our adjunct therapies. This therapy helps with the elimination of toxins and poisons from the body. Hydrotherapy is part of our comprehensive cancer care program. Contact us today and learn how we can help!
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