The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Vegan Ketogenic Diet for Cancer What is a vegan ketogenic diet for cancer and why is it important for our health? Also, is a ketogenic vegan diet proven scientifically? People come to us and they’ll sit with us and ask us if we have any research, can we prove that what we do works? Conversely, these same people never ask the doctors in the white coats at MD Anderson do you have proof on the cancer protocol who want to administer on me will work? There is a lot of scientific evidence and proof that a vegan ketogenic diet works. If you really want to know the scientific proof of this diet, go purchase the book, “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease” by Thomas Seyfried Ph.D. Let’s talk about what this diet is. Keto stands for ketosis or ketones. We have fatty acids which is how we store energy. When they are broken down to be used for energy, they are broken down into three molecules called ketone bodies. These three molecules are brought into the cells to be broken down even further to be used as fuel for the body. This works very well in storing energy and in point of fact, it actually stores twice as much energy as carbs. Fasting is a ketogenic diet. The reason why you want to be on this diet to is produce ketones in order to be in a metabolic condition called ketosis. Water is the ultimate ketogenic diet. Understanding this and knowing that cancer requires 19 times more glucose than a normal healthy diet, what if you don’t supply the cancer with any glucose? You would essentially starve the cancer cells as they can’t survive with glucose. Now, eating a vegan ketogenic diet for cancer while being treated, will allow your strength to be maintained and boosted as you are getting the proper healthy fats for energy.
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