The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program!

Nothing In Nature Occurs In Isolation Nothing in nature occurs in isolation as nature is a synergistic happening all the time, all around us. Is there one alternative treatment or therapy for cancer that works better than any other? No, there is not one therapy that works well on its own. In all scientific experiments, all variables are controlled except one. The point of this is to try and see what kind of effect this one independent variable has on the outcome. So, for example, in a particular example, the might say, we controlled everything except for the cigarettes. However, you can’t find one variable that is in isolation in anything, it’s impossible. This is the same concept we see with nutrition. As an example, to demonstrate this, people say things like, I need more lycopene. Guess what? There are no lycopene trees and there are no vitamin c tree’s. Nothing in nature occurs in isolation, it’s just not that way. An apple is a perfect food. It’s loaded with all kinds of nutrients, yet our society tries to decide what is the best part of the apple. What is the essence of apple. This is our insanity. Cancer is not a thing, it’s not a one thing that happened nor is there one treatment or therapy to eradicate it. You can have exposure to radiation, chemicals in the food, smoking, stress, and toxic relationships. Since they all contribute, controlling all of them and modifying all of them is necessary. There is no “one thing” a person can do with cancer which is part of the problem as people think, well, I had the surgery so I’m done. That is just not true, there is so much more to do.
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Nothing In Nature Occurs In Isolation was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Fitness News
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